Life & Writing Update

Because things have been so slow and sporadic, I wanted to throw out a general update about everything. As most of you probably know, I’m a chronic illness sufferer, but even on my best days, writing is slow and like pulling teeth. It used to be that only certain books or certain scenes were like that, but these days, everything eventually hits that point. I can no longer start a new book with the ease I used to be able to, and I can no longer speak to my characters with the same freeness I used to. I think a lot of that is the brain fog, fatigue, and exhaustion, but it’s hard to know for sure.

Book-wise, I’d like to talk through where I’m at with each.

Truths and Chains currently has two problems. One, I know what the climax is and have known for several weeks. You might know that I’m a pantser and have absolutely no plan for the book when I start it. For me, once I know the ending, I desperately struggle to get there. That’s why I don’t plan out my books in the first place. Problem two is that the events of the book currently occur over way too short of a time. The part of the book I have written and available to read happens in about a week, I believe, and for the purposes of a romance, especially one with Vito Minetti, it doesn’t work. I’m trying to solve problem two right now, but it’ll take some time.

The Surgeon has veered off in a different direction than the original in a couple ways during the rewrite. Bo has evolved more as a character and I know him far better than I did when I wrote the book originally. This is normal for my rewrite edits, and it’s something I’m fine with. But, unfortunately, with the brain fog issue, this does create far more difficulty for me in regards to keeping things straight. I’m in the process of going back and taking notes on the book so I can keep track of what’s from the old book and what’s from the new book, but again, it’ll take me a little bit to get there.

Dallas Silver book one has changed names and crimes about three times now. I’m still settling on which first book is actually what I want to write and which one makes the most sense to actually jumpstart his series.

Young Bo series: I’m actually hoping to get back to this one soon! Possibly before I get back to The Surgeon to see if figuring out baby Bo helps better track adult Bo.

Nora Clark (missing psychic) book several of you voted for to be next. I’m attempting this one but have struggled to get it started. I get stuck there more often than not these days. I actually think it makes more sense for missing Nora to be book two of the series so that the reader already knows her and so we already know more about why the detective looking for her cares so much about finding her.

Christmas Cannibal: soon! I’m trying to research the appropriate beats for a horror-type romance before I get back into it again

I believe those are the main ones. If you have questions about other books I’ve worked on previously, feel free to ask and I’m happy to give an update of where things are at with it right now.

Thank you guys for your patience with the updates. I’m just unfortunately not the same healthy writer I was in 2016 when so many of you started finding my books! But to everyone who stuck around despite that, thank you so very much.

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